All orders take 1-5 business days to process. Shipping takes 5-20 additional business days to arrive due to all items being shipped internationally. This is an an average time frame and not in any way a guaranteed estimate for delivery. We cannot guarantee an exact shipping time due to our shipping facility being international and we have no way to control exactly how fast your order may arrive. We do not ship to APO/FPO. Many orders can and will arrive separately. We will try our best to make sure you receive the correct product and as soon as possible. We do not provide tracking for all orders unless it is available and asked for. We only accept returns, exchanges and give refunds in certain situations that we see fit. Bare in mind this clearly states we do not guarantee any returns, refunds, or exchanges in any circumstances. If there is an issue with a product we can provide you with half your money back. We will only give full refunds if your order has yet to be processed and shipped out.